Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Ms. Jayalalithaa ordered 10 new buses to Ranithottam depot in Nagercoil replacing old buses through video-conferencing from Chennai on June 18th. And the region may get additional 48 busses before December of this year
There are 819 buses was operating in TNSTC Nagercoil Region including rural and and inter-State routes. It operates 301 buses on mofussil routes, 38 on inter-State routes from Nagercoil. And 480 buses on town routes.
Details of routes where old buses got replaced as follows:
- Nagercoil-Thiruvananthapuram,
- Kanyakumari-Thiruvananthapuram,
- Kaliyakkavilai-Salem,
- Marthandam-Coimbatore,
- Kanyakumari-Rameswaram,
- Nagercoil-Kodaikanal,
- Nagercoil-Tirunelveli,
- Kanyakumari-Palani and
- Nagercoil-Tirupur
Collector Sajjan Singh R. Chavan, TNSTC officials and leaders of local bodies participated in the inaugural function.
It is remarkable to know that one of the old buses which been replaced is 10 years old!
New Source – The Hindu